862.00/3004: Telegram
The Chargé in Germany (Gordon) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received June 23—11:45 a.m.]
107. Events of the past few days have made it clear that what may be termed a new wave of the revolution is now definitely under way.
The “wild men” now appear to be that group of secondary leaders who can perhaps best be characterized as the old guard of the Munich Brown House, and who more directly represent the storm detachments and the lower strata of the party who have been becoming increasingly restive under what they consider the meager rewards given them for militant party service and the failure of the higher leaders to fulfill a [Page 234] large portion of the wild promises made by them prior to coming into power (see my despatch No. 2428 of May 22, page 541). At the present moment Goebbels is to be included in the wild men and Goering apparently not.
The failure of Hindenburg to react to Nazi activities of the last few days which in large measure have constituted attacks upon members of the Junker circles who stand closest to him personally, has been both significant and disquieting (see despatch No. 2255 of March 20, final paragraph41).
The fruits already borne by the conference of Nazi leaders held in Berlin last week make it now seem clear that the party has a definite program of repressive measures which it intends to push through integrally and it seems to me that Germany is in for another stormy period.
It is also my opinion that a failure of the World Economic Conference to reach tangible results would clearly be calculated to stimulate the development of the Nazi movement towards national bolshevism. Amplifying despatch in next pouch.