Press Release Issued by the Department of State, July 17, 1933
A meeting was held at 10 o’clock Monday morning in the Department of State to organize the Board which is to undertake the exploratory study of the possibilities of our negotiating various trade agreements.
The following named persons attended the meeting:
For the Department of State
- Charles M. Barnes, Chairman.
- Melvin L. Leap, Secretary.
- Edwin C. Wilson, Chief, Division of Latin American Affairs.
- Orme Wilson, Assistant Chief, Division of Latin American Affairs.
- Laurence Duggan, Division of Latin American Affairs.
- John D. Hickerson, Assistant Chief, Division of Western European Affairs.
- Paul T. Culbertson, Division of Western European Affairs.
- Dr. Wallace McClure, Assistant Chief, Treaty Division.
For the Department of Agriculture
Lynn E. Edminster, Foreign Agriculture Service Division, Bureau of Agricultural Economics.
For the Department of Commerce
- Walter J. Donnelly, Acting Chief, Foreign Tariff Division.
- Louis Domeratzky, Chief, Regional Information Division.
- Clarence C. Brooks, Chief, Latin American Section.
For the Industrial Recovery Administration
John H. Matthews.
For the Tariff Commission.
Dr. Herman J. Brauer, Acting Chief, Division of International Relations.
Mr. Jefferson Caffery, Assistant Secretary of State also attended part of this meeting.