550.S1/480: Telegram
The Consul at Geneva (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 22—11:50 a.m.]
13. From Sackett. Reference Consulate’s telegram number 10, January 20, 10 a.m., from Sackett. London Times Saturday 21st carries the White House statement10 issued afternoon of the 20th regarding discussion of debts in March. Late Saturday [same] afternoon Simon’s secretary brought me the suggestion telephoned from London that the Organizing Committee meeting 25th should declare in effect as follows: It is not possible to fix the time of the London Conference at present but the date will be announced later. It is thought, however, that because the delegates appointed will need time to carefully prepare the questions involved, the Conference cannot meet earlier than 3 months from the present time.
While the British evidently desire to see how the debt question is progressing before committing themselves to a definite date, I suggest we also can safely agree to a declaration of this kind. Simon has [Page 458] previously indicated that the Organizing Committee might appropriately wish to name MacDonald as President of London Conference. Might it not be expedient for us to make that motion? [Sackett.]