740.0011 Four Power Pact/21: Telegram

The Ambassador in Italy (Garrett) to the Secretary of State

20. My 18, March 22, 10 a.m.27 The British Ambassador presented to the chief of the Italian Government this afternoon a revised text of the proposed four power pact. He tells me that it differs from the second text in two points, namely:

Any reference to a possible failure of the Disarmament Conference is omitted.
Any power will be admitted at its request as an equal in any discussions that may concern it.

This third text has also been handed by Lord Tyrrell28 to the French Government and Sir Ronald Graham believes will be transmitted to Berlin through the Italian Ambassador there. Mussolini agreed to it in principle.

Repeated to the American Embassy, Paris, for Norman Davis.

  1. Not printed.
  2. British Ambassador to France.