500.C001/835: Telegram

The Chargé in Czechoslovakia (Benton) to the Secretary of State

43. Reference Department’s circular telegram October 14th. A secret session of the Council of Ministers was held on Monday to examine the situation created by Germany’s withdrawal from the League of Nations and Disarmament Conference. From reliable sources I learn that this country’s attitude toward those events and their implications, based largely on telephone conversations with Dr. Beneš at Geneva, is substantially as follows:

It is not believed that a European conflict is imminent in spite of the serious situation created by Germany’s action which as a matter of fact has caused Czechoslovakia little surprise since she had always been skeptical of Hitler’s repeated assurances of his peaceful intentions and has felt that sooner or later he would spring some sort of a “surprise”.
The situation thus created, while it does have the advantage of clarifying the international horizon, is considered serious, but is viewed with equanimity and it is felt that Czechoslovakia’s position is not jeopardized and is in fact probably strengthened from the political and psychological point of view since the former allies without relying too much on Italy have now seemingly formed a united front against Germany. Nevertheless, the circumstances would seem to require that Czechoslovakia’s military forces be kept up to standard; and with this in view the national defense budget for 1934, now under preparation, will probably be considerably above that of 1933, instead of below, as had been planned.
Some sort of disarmament convention will probably be concluded before long even without Germany, and Czechoslovakia will exert every effort to that end. Considering that the Versailles Treaty is still in effect it is felt that the former allies should not lose their heads but wait and see whether Germany really intends openly to disregard existing restrictions on armament before definitely determining their line of action.

Dr. Beneš is expected back tomorrow. I will keep the Department advised of any changes in the situation.
