760m.6111/32: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary of State

723. My 721, October 10, 5 p.m. The Soviet-Lithuanian pact was signed last night.49 I understand that it provides for a 15–year pact of mutual assistance similar to the Estonian and Latvian pacts with the Soviet Union and permits the establishment of Soviet air bases and garrisons, the number and location of which are undivulged in the present agreement and are to be fixed by subsequent agreement. In return the Soviet Union cedes to Lithuania the town of Vilna and the Vilna district.

Repeated to Kaunas.

  1. An English translation of this “Treaty on the Transfer of the City of Vilno and Vilno Province to the Lithuanian Republic and on Mutual Assistance between the Soviet Union and Lithuania” is printed in the Department of State, Bulletin, December 16, 1939, p. 705.