740.0011 European War 1939/600: Telegram

The Minister in Estonia (Wiley) to the Secretary of State

68. According to Foreign Office official Foreign Minister who was given until 6 p.m. to accept Soviet démarche signed the agreement this afternoon in Moscow. Ratification is required within fortnight. Estonia is to give right of use of islands Dagö9 and Ösel.10 Soviet garrisons to be limited to 25,000 men. Foreign Minister expected to fly back tomorrow.

Another official at the Foreign Office confirms substantial accuracy of foregoing but states that Foreign Office has not yet received final text. Since delegation in Moscow headed by the Foreign Minister had full powers Foreign Office does not yet know in the meantime what has been signed away.

  1. Telegram in two sections.
  2. Hiiu; Hiiumaa.
  3. Saare; Saaremaa.