311.6121 Gorin, M. N./23
Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of European Affairs (Henderson)
At the conclusion of a conversation which I had with Mr. Oumansky today on other subjects he referred again to the Gorin trial in Los Angeles and stated that he regretted to observe that thus far the district attorney had not taken any steps to retract certain statements involving the Soviet Embassy made by him previously in the trial, nor had any move been made to correct the unfavorable impression made by Lieutenant Maxwell’s testimony.
I again informed Mr. Oumansky that the State Department had referred the comments made by him on two occasions to the Department of Justice and that I was sure that the Department of Justice was giving full consideration to the whole matter. Mr. Oumansky thereupon arose and said in the most formal tones, “Mr. Henderson, I feel that I should inform you that unless proper retraction is made by the federal district attorney in Los Angeles before the conclusion of the trial it will be distinctly unfortunate.”
I told Mr. Oumansky that I felt he was using rather serious language. Mr. Oumansky replied that he regretted that he felt that the circumstances were so serious that it was necessary for him to use serious language. I thereupon informed Mr. Oumansky that if he felt so deeply about the matter and was of the opinion that such serious language was necessary, it seemed to me that he should address himself to officials of the Department of a higher rank than myself, and I suggested that he might talk over the matter with the Counselor [Page 922] of the Department,55 who was fully conversant with the legal and other aspects of the case. Mr. Oumansky stated that if I felt it advisable he would be glad to talk with the Counselor. I thereupon arranged by telephone for Mr. Oumansky to see Judge Moore immediately.56