
The Acting Secretary of State to Mr. Serge Ughet

My Dear Mr. Ughet: I desire to refer to your letter of October 21, 1933, in which you expressed the belief that conditions would arise in the near future when no further useful purpose would be served by your continuing to exercise the duties with which you were charged under the exchange of notes between the Russian Ambassador and the Secretary of State of April 28–29, 1922,33 and requested that your present status be discontinued at the earliest convenience of the Department of State.

In view of the recognition of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics by the Government of the United States, I have to inform you that upon this date the Government of the United States ceases to recognize you as Russian Financial Attaché.

The Department is deeply appreciative of the able manner in which you have discharged the duties which devolved upon you under the exchange of notes referred to above and of the friendly spirit with which you have for so many years cooperated with this Government.

I should like to take the occasion to extend to you personally my cordial good wishes for your future happiness and success.

Very sincerely yours,

William Phillips