611.6131/409: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in the Soviet Union (Henderson)
Washington, July 10,
1936—5 p.m.
99. Your 163, July 9, 3 p.m.
- 1.
- Your paragraph 3. Instead of handing out a prepared statement,
Department prefers that you assist the American journalists in
writing their stories by furnishing them with the following
pertinent data:
- (a)
- A considerable increase in American-Soviet trade, particularly in American exports to the Soviet Union, has taken place during the period covered by the agreement which is now being prolonged for another year. As shown by American customs returns, American exports to the Soviet Union, which amounted to $14, 100,000 in the [Page 343] period from July 1, 1933, to June 30, 1934, and $16,800,000 from July 1, 1934, to June 30, 1935, have amounted to $33,900,000 in the 11-month period from July 1, 1935, to May 31, 1936. American imports from the Soviet Union increased from $12,500,000 and $14,000,000 in the same periods in 1933–34 and 1934–35, to $18,300,000 in the 11-month period mentioned above.
- (b)
- The Soviet Government has informed the American Government that the appropriate Soviet economic organizations intend to purchase during the next 12 months American goods to the value of at least $30,000,000.
- (c)
- You may express the hope that the prolongation of the agreement of July 13, 1935, will result in the further development of American-Soviet trade which so markedly improved, during the last 12 months, and point out in this connection that whereas the Soviet Government signified its intention of purchasing $30,000,000 worth of American goods during the expiring 12-month period, it actually purchased more than $37,000,000 worth.
- 2.
- Your paragraph 6. Department would prefer to have the notes of July 9 and 11 addressed to, and signed by, Krestinski as Acting People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs. If Litvinoff should return on the 12th or 13th, Department has no objection to having the note of July 13 signed by Krestinski as Assistant People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs; otherwise it is desirable that it also be signed by him as Acting People’s Commissar. Dep[artmen]t must be informed of decision on this point by 9 o’clock Saturday morning.70
- July 11.↩