493.11 Ekvall, Henry/42: Telegram

The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

1220. Legation’s 1213, October 26, 11 a.m.84

Following from Stanton and Soule at Sian [, October 27, 9 p.m.]:
  • “(1.) Instructions Nanking representatives apparently require them to bring pressure on General Yang and not to make independent [Page 538] investigation. They are consulting files regarding case in Provincial Government and pressing Yang. Both state that Chiang is genuinely interested in the case.
  • (2.) Chin states that Provincial Government wishes to settle the case along these lines: (1) apology; (2) indemnity; (3) assurances of protection. Hang states that Yang has hopes of clearing up case but did not reveal line of action.
  • (3.) Communication containing claim of China Inland Motors personally presented Yang today who handed it to Chen Tzu-chien erroneously reported to have been cashiered. Yang could report nothing new and although assurances were given orally that, further investigations were being made interest centered chiefly in whether any other claims would be presented. Present believed to be opportune time to present any other claims.
  • (4.) Continuing to urge Nanking representatives to make independent investigation. Full report by mail.”
Legation’s comments will follow.
  1. Not printed.