893.00/12169: Telegram
The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 6—10:10 a.m.]
1174. Following from American Consul at Chefoo:
“October 4, 7 p.m. Fighting recommenced yesterday at Laichow. Conditions immediately outside Chefoo indescribable; looting, burning down of villages and raping going on with thousands murdered and hundreds of refugees pouring into Chefoo. At Hwanghsien and Tengchow where our missionaries are living conditions are quiet but in view of change in the situation I have again urged them to withdraw by way of Chefoo which is quiet and protection assured.
Frankly speaking no one knows what is going to happen; even Han’s leaders here now realize they are outnumbered and practically admit possibility of Liu’s break-through and also of danger to foreigners throughout district including Chefoo.”
Legation is informed that U. S. S. Sacramento is now at Chefoo.