393.1111 Baker, Charles/7: Telegram
The Consul General at Hankow (Adams) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 25—8 a.m.]
16. My number 14, January 23, noon.5 The bandits who hold Baker state that the price of his ransom “will be decided upon by the Hupeh Soviet government” and will be communicated to messenger at Pailochi on January 28th.
The comprador of the Yangtze Rapid lighter No. 2 is coming to Hankow to give details of the capture of Baker to General Ho Chen-chun, Chairman of the Hupeh Provincial Government.
The President of the Yangtze Rapid Steamship Company has expressed a willingness to pay a maximum of silver dollars 10,000 for Baker’s release. He thinks, however, that the Chinese authorities should pay the sum demanded for Baker’s ransom.
Legation and Nanking informed.
- Not printed.↩