793.94 Commission/686: Telegram

The Minister in Switzerland (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

76. The following text was adopted by the Drafting Committee this afternoon and will be presented to the Committee of Nineteen tomorrow where it is anticipated no opposition will be met. No meeting of the Assembly is now scheduled before adjournment referred to.

“In conformity with the mission entrusted to it by the Assembly’s resolution of December 9th, 1932, the Committee of Nineteen drew up certain texts indicating generally the basis on which conciliation between the contending parties must be effected and the procedure to be followed with that object. These texts which took the form of two draft resolutions and a statement of reasons were brought to the knowledge of the parties through the chairman of the Committee and the Secretary General. Both parties presented observations. The ensuing conversations will require a certain amount of time.

[Page 445]

In these circumstances the Committee recognizing that it must continue its efforts to arrive at an agreement on so grave a question thought it expedient in order to allow the aforesaid conversations to be pursued to defer its meetings to January 16th at the latest.

The Committee decided not to publish the texts referred to above so long as conversations upon them are proceeding with the parties. December 19, 1932.[”]
