Executive Agreement Series No. 32
The Norwegian Minister (Bachke) to the Secretary of State
Sir: With reference to your note of to-day, I have the honor, acting under instructions of the Norwegian Government to declare that it is agreed between the Norwegian Government and the Government of the United States of America to permit the entry free of duty of all furniture, equipment and supplies intended for official use in the consular offices of the other and to extend to such consular officers of the other and their families and suites as are its nationals, the privilege of entry free of duty of their baggage and all other personal property whether accompanying the officer to his post or imported at any time during his incumbency thereof, provided, nevertheless, that no article the importation of which is prohibited by the law of either of the two countries may be brought into its territories.
It is understood, however, that this privilege shall not be extended to unsalaried consular officers (honorary consuls) or to consular officers who are engaged in any private occupation for gain in the countries to which they are accredited, save with respect to governmental supplies.
This agreement shall become operative on February 1st, 1932.
Accept [etc.]