The American Chargé in Greece (Morris) to the Greek Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs (Gonatas)46
Excellency: I have the honor to refer to the Legislative Decree published in the Official Gazette under date of July 29, 1932, regarding the conversion into drachmas of foreign currency indebtedness. Acting under instructions of my Government, I wish to make known to Your Excellency that the American Government makes full reservation of its own rights and the rights of its nationals in respect to the provisions of this Legislative Decree.
In this connection, I have the honor to recall to Your Excellency’s attention a note verbale No. 267 dated August 2, 1932,47 from this Legation in which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was asked to be good enough to define the precise meaning of Paragraph E of Article 2 of the law in question, relating to the deposits in foreign currency or exchange of foreign citizens. I request Your Excellency to be good enough to cause me to be furnished an answer to this note verbale at the earliest opportunity.
I avail myself [etc.]