611.5131/921a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in France (Marriner)
429. If, in your judgment, such a course would not interfere with the settlement of more important problems, please again seek from [Page 258] the French Government the early issuance of a decree reclassifying copper. In view of the increased pressure on the Treasury Department from dress importers to promulgate dress samples decree forthwith (see Department’s 420, November 28, 4 p.m.) the Department finds itself faced with an increasing difficulty in persuading the Treasury Department further to withhold issuance of this decree. It is our understanding that the French were heretofore prepared to issue copper reclassification decree on its own merits and not in return for any quid pro quo. This Government believes the French Government should thus issue this decree. Upon French issuance copper decree we will arrange simultaneous issuance of dress samples decree.
For your confidential information, unless French Government issues this decree in the near future, the Department is afraid this Government will be placed in position of giving something for nothing inasmuch as we cannot persuade Treasury indefinitely to withhold promulgation of dress samples decree. Time element is important in view of pressure being brought to bear on Treasury.