550.S1/131: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Great Britain (Atherton)
220. This Government has, as you know, accepted membership on the Organizing Committee of the Monetary and Economic Conference and is now considering the nomination of its representatives. The President is considering the nomination of Ambassador Sackett We understand, however, that Sir John Simon expressed a strong wish that Norman Davis be appointed on this committee. His experience and wide acquaintance would seem to us to be very valuable. On the other hand, the appointment of an individual not a part of the Administration as the sole representative of this Government on the Organizing Committee might give rise to criticism and political difficulty. The suggestion has been made that Davis might be appointed to serve as an associate or alternate to Sackett [Page 821] and if this could be done both the President and the Department would be inclined to appoint him.
I wish you would call on Sir John Simon and talk the matter over with him informally and confidentially to find out from him whether there would be any objection to such a double nomination on the part of the American Government. You will, of course, warn Sir John to keep this matter entirely confidential since we should wish to announce the appointment of Sackett or, if it proves feasible, the appointment of both Sackett and Davis in Washington.