800.51W89 France/727: Telegram

The American Delegate (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

38. From Norman Davis. Last night Massigli came to see me to tell me Herriot had asked him to inform me of decision of the French Government and to read me the note they have sent with regard to debts. I told him to tell Herriot that while I appreciated the courtesy it was not necessary to read the note to me or keep me informed since I had nothing whatever to do with the question. He said that he would like to inform me at least of the substance of the note since Herriot had requested him to do so. After he had done this I reiterated that while I could not deal with the question I was rather surprised at the decision taken because I had thought France could and would make the December payment; that since [Page 732] France had withdrawn in a few months this year enough gold from the United States to pay 10 annual installments on her debt it would be difficult to persuade the American people that she could not at least make the December payment if she wished. I also told him it seemed to me this was not a very appropriate time to bring the question head-on for a decision. He said in substance that the difficulty was in getting the approval of the Chamber of Deputies and intimated that it was feared it would cause the overthrow of the Herriot Government. I told him it was equally important to take into account the attitude of the American Congress. [Davis.]
