741.5111 European Co-operation/8: Telegram
The Acting Chairman of the American Delegation to the General Disarmament Conference (Gibson) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 14—7:50 p.m.]
331. Supplementing my 329, July 14, 8 p.m. Simon issued two statements here to journalists which were issued at the same time in London and which you have doubtless received through press. I quote his letter to Davis transmitting copies:
“My Dear Davis: I think you may like to see the two statements issued in London an hour ago correcting any misunderstanding about
- 1.
- The declaration made yesterday in London and Paris and
- 2.
- The “Gentlemen’s Agreement”.45
This completely clears up the misunderstanding about Chamberlain and you will be glad to note that the language you suggested has been employed. I am very much obliged to you.
I repeated the same explanations to the journalists here and added (again following your suggestion) that the declaration made yesterday is an invitation to European powers to adopt as an internal continental rule the mode of open and candid discussion. I emphasized that it is neither the creation of a European bloc against anybody nor the creation of an Anglo-French compact against anybody.
Yours very truly,
John Simon”.