741.5111 European Co-operation/1: Telegram
The Chargé in France (Armour) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 13—10:30 a.m.]
422. I have just learned from the British Embassy that a very important statement is to be issued by the Foreign Office of London and Paris simultaneously at 7 o’clock, Paris time, this evening the substance of which is as follows.33
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[Page 692]I was shown the statement in confidence at the British Embassy today and the above represents my recollection of the contents. The official with whom I spoke at the British Embassy said that they wished above all to avoid the impression being given that this is anything in the nature of a Franco-British entente. However, it seems probable that in order to get as much benefit from this as possible particularly internally the French may give the impression that it is a definite revival of the entente.
An article has already been published in this morning’s Agence Economic and Financiere to the effect that as a result of official conversations yesterday between Herriot and the British Ambassador and later with the President of the Republic34 “a diplomatic event of the greatest importance is about to take place between France and Great Britain concerning the directives of Anglo-French rapprochement begun at Lausanne.35 This event and the accord resulting from it will without doubt be communicated to the Council of Ministers which is being held this morning in Paris and will be made public this evening on the eve of the French national fete on the 14th of July.”
As the official text is to be made public to the press at 7 o’clock this evening it undoubtedly will be cabled to the press in the United States but I shall transmit a translation of the official text as issued by the Foreign Office.
It may of course be that our Embassy at London or the British or French Ambassadors in Washington have already furnished the text to the Department in which case, and in order to avoid unnecessary expense, you may wish to notify me.