800.51W89 Czechoslovakia/177: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Czechoslovakia (Ratshesky)
19. Your No. 15, April 25th, 4 P.M. Czechoslovak Legation in Washington reports they are still without authority to complete Hoover year debt postponement agreement. The question has now been before the Czechoslovak Government nearly 3 months. The time is getting very short. It would appear that Prague may continue delay indefinitely unless the matter is brought positively and finally to their attention. The American people would regard failure to sign as repudiation of agreement and it would arouse their resentment in regard to this whole debt question. This is so important that it is desirable that you make every effort to make the Czechoslovak Government realize the serious consequences of failure to put into legal form the acceptance of the President’s proposal. Italian Ambassador23 has been authorized to sign agreement and authorization to British Ambassador24 has been forwarded. The danger of misunderstanding and recriminations against governments who have not yet expressed their willingness to sign increases each day.