500.A15A4 Steering Committee/254: Telegram

The American Delegate (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

492. The Bureau of the Conference met this morning in secret session. On the motion of the President it was decided to propose to the General Commission tomorrow that the Bureau should meet again on January 23 and the General Commission on January 31. The President explained that the various committees would meet on earlier dates than that summoned for the Bureau in order to prepare their work as far as possible for submission to the Bureau.

On Massigli’s intervention urging the discussion of the French plan as soon as possible by the General Commission the President stated that the Bureau would discuss the agenda for the meeting of the General Commission on January 31 and that there was no reason why a general explanation and discussion of the French plan could not be undertaken at once upon the convening of the General Commission and that this explanation and discussion would follow the same broad lines as that accorded to the plan of the President of the United States when submitted.
