500.A15A4 Permanent Disarmament Commission/10: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the American Delegate (Wilson)
233. Your 435, November 4, 11 p.m. We agree with your recommendations as found in points (a) and (c), as providing the most acceptable solution of a difficult problem. With regard to point (b), we are somewhat inclined to feel as you do but are not prepared to make a final decision until subsequent discussions in the Bureau have further clarified the implications of the two suggestions. We particularly like the suggestion contained in the last paragraph of your telegram providing for an opportunity for any state against which a complaint has been brought, to request investigation on the spot. You might even think over the possibility of extending it further, and giving a state the opportunity to request such an investigation under any circumstances, as it might be just as useful for an innocent state to vindicate itself in the case of a hostile and persistent press campaign abroad, as if a foreign government had actually lodged a complaint.