793.94/2791: Telegram

The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

972. Following from American Consul General at Harbin:

“November 19, 5 p.m. 1. Yesterday Ohashi called on Acting President of the Board of Directors Li Shao-keng and General Manager Rudi of the Chinese Eastern Railway, informed them that the Japanese forces south of Angangki in order to protect themselves had started military activities, that these forces had received orders from Honjo to respect the interest of the Chinese Eastern Railway and to avoid clashes with the Chinese guard troops of this railway, that there was danger that the troops of General Ma might take advantage of the Chinese Eastern Railway in some way as to prolong the conflict and thus endanger the property of the railway, and that to avoid such danger the railway should advise the Tsitsihar troops not to permit themselves to take this advantage. Ohashi stated that both agreed to issue orders to the railway guard troops to take every precaution to safeguard railway property. Ohashi called on Soviet Consul Orloff whom he assured that the Japanese troops had no intention of harming the interests of the railway and upon Ting Chao, commander of the railway guard troops, whom he urged to prevent defeated Tsitsihar soldiers from coming to Harbin.”

Repeated to Nanking.

For the Minister: