793.94/2709: Telegram

The Chargé in France (Shaw) to the Secretary of State

751. From Ambassador Dawes: Answering your telephone request for latest news as to fighting, Drummond gave me the following which was communicated by the Chinese representative on the Council:

“Apparently fighting momentarily ceased around Nonni Bridge. Ma receiving peremptory demand from Honjo. We are most anxious [that?] fighting should not be resumed; extremely difficult for Ma to negotiate with Honjo’s representatives in view of ever-conflicting demand. Clearly therefore indispensable prevent further fighting, that Briand arrange for immediate arrival League representatives so that arrangements between Ma and Japanese be made with his assistance and under authority [of] President [of] League Council. Indispensable also Briand telegraph this sense Tokyo in order to prevent resumption fighting.

The Chinese Government received this morning from General Ma, Tsitsihar, a report stating that at 8 last night Major Hayashi handed communication from General Honjo who stated that owing to telegraphic error his previous message unclear. Instead of that message reading that Japanese troops should proceed to Angangki to protect Taoang Railway it should read: ‘To protect railway, party of Japanese troops must be allowed to proceed to Lungkiang Station.’33 General Ma was asked to give a clear reply by noon, 14th. Ma comments to Marshal: [Page 463]

‘On account of continual increase of demands I have no trust in what Japanese say or ask. I hope Marshal will put this problem before League for decision. I have already replied to Japanese as follows:

“Have received your second communication. Your previous demand was that Japanese troops proceed to Angangki. Lungkiang is a station on Tsitsihar-Koshan Railway, a purely Chinese railway not on Taonan-Angangki Railway, whose terminal is Angangki. Since your troops want to protect Taoang Railway, why do you want to proceed to Lungkiang? I am afraid some further mistake has been made by you.”’

(This interpreted here means that Japanese intend to occupy Tsitsihar if possible. All quiet in Tientsin last night, arrangements made for joint search 300-metre zone by Sino-Japanese police, probably take 4 days).”

  • [Dawes]
  • Shaw
  1. Tsitsihar.