793.94/2692: Telegram
The Consul General at Tientsin (Lockhart) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 15—3:15 p.m.]
The following telegram has been sent to the Legation:
“November 15, 4 p.m. The joint search of the 300-meter zone went along smoothly in one area yesterday but in the area adjacent to the river four or five Chinese armed police were discovered as well as electrified barbed wire, barricade and other defenses alleged by the Japanese to have been constructed in violation of the Hague Conference [sic] to keep the zone free of military activities or warlike preparations. On discovering the police and the paraphernalia described, the Japanese became indignant, charged the Chinese with bad faith and declined to proceed further with the search, notifying the Chinese that in view of these discoveries and the failure to find any plain-clothes men in the two areas searched they believed the Chinese police had been doing duty and if any more firing was directed toward the Japanese Concession they would take whatever measures seemed necessary. The Japanese thereupon restored their barricades and guards at the points abutting the territory that had been searched. I have reason to believe that the entire matter has now been taken out of the hands of the Japanese Consul General by the military who may at any time employ drastic measures. Many refugees from the Chinese city have been coming into the foreign areas today. I do not believe the situation is as good today as it was yesterday. An extremely critical situation has now prevailed for a week and normal processes looking to the settlement of the trouble are distinctly not being employed.
[Page 450]Chairman of Provincial Government has notified Japanese authorities that Chinese troops will be removed 20 li from Tientsin pursuant to request referred to in the Legation’s 933 to the Department.25
Repeated to Department and Nanking.”