793.94/1996: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (Johnson)

365. Reference your 708, October 6, noon, transmitting telegram of October 5, 11 p.m., from American Consul General at Nanking. The telegrams under reference evidently crossed the Department’s numbers 361, October 5, 2 p.m., and 362, October 5, 3 p.m., which it is felt clearly indicate the attitude of this Government toward the situation covered by Soong’s statement. It is suggested that Peck be instructed to inform Soong, orally and informally, that the statement has been received, that its contents, like those of all other communications relating to this subject, are being given the Department’s most careful consideration and that the Department is giving its most solicitous attention to the many and difficult problems which this situation presents. Peck might repeat that, as stated in its previous telegrams above referred to, the Department feels that China and Japan should now be given an opportunity themselves to carry out their respective commitments; and that the Department earnestly hopes that both the Chinese and Japanese Governments will make every possible effort to ensure reliance on peaceful methods for the settling of this dispute.
