The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Nanking to the Chinese Legation89
It is reported that Japan incites Manchuria to set up a new government and to establish a republic in a movement having for its object secession from the National Government. She makes use of an organization formed by a certain Yuan Chin-Kai, under the name of an “Association for the Maintenance of Order in Manchuria”, as the central directing authority for the new Northeastern political uprising.
It is also reported that Kirin has abolished the commission form of government though this report is not confirmed. As the territory is under Japanese military control Japanese authorities can do just as they please. If this report is true then it is done under compulsion.
Today the Special Committee on Foreign Affairs has passed a resolution declaring that before the formal return to China of the places and cities occupied by Japan, the acts of all the unauthorized organizations in various places, shall be laid to the charge of the Japanese Government and shall not be recognized by the Chinese Government.
- Copy of telegram handed by the Chinese Chargé to Mr. Ransford S. Miller of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs on October 5, 1931.↩