
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Nicaragua (Beaulac)

No. 638

Sir: The Department has received your despatch No. 1328, dated February 18, 1930, reporting the results of the representations made by you before the appropriate officials of the Nicaraguan Government with respect to the apparent inadequacy of the Nicaraguan courts to administer the law and the adoption of measures to overcome that inadequacy.

The Department approves your action in submitting to the President of Nicaragua the memorandum on this subject dated January 18, 1930, a copy of which was enclosed with your despatch, and your subsequent statement with respect to it during your conversations with the President of the Supreme Court. In this connection, however, you are advised that the revision of the constitution of Nicaragua with a view to the strengthening of the judiciary is a matter with respect to which the Legation is directed to make no suggestions or comment excepting under specific instructions from the Department.

I have [etc.]

For the Acting Secretary of State:
Francis White