812.48/3828: Telegram
The Ambassador in Mexico (Clark) to the Secretary of State
[Received 6:44 p.m.]
24. Doctor Serge Eisenstein well known Russian film producer who has just returned from Oaxaca called on me this morning at my request. [Page 701] He says that about 60 percent of the buildings of the town of Oaxaca were destroyed by earthquake last week and that some neighboring villages were totally destroyed. He says there is no real need there, either for food, medical supplies or clothing and that rebuilding of the city is the main problem confronting the community.
I suggest that in view of the considerable number of deaths, now reported as over 200, the Department may care to send a message of sympathy to the Mexican Government. Furthermore, the Department may consider it advisable to inform the American Red Cross in case that organization should wish to make an offer to the Mexican Red Cross through the medium of the Embassy.