882.01 Foreign Control/162: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Switzerland (Greene)
139. Your telegram No. 178, October 6, 3 p.m., and despatch No. 227 [2271] October 6.52 Please present the following communication to Sugimura from Reber:
The American representative of the Liberian Committee presents his compliments to the Under Secretary General and Director of the Political Section of the League of Nations, and has the honor to acknowledge the latter’s communication of October 3, 1931, relating to the next meeting of the Liberian Committee.
It is noted that the Chairman of the Committee is of the opinion and has accordingly proposed that this meeting should take place toward the middle of January before the next session of the Council opens. With this view and the desire of both the Council and Committee to solve at the earliest possible date the problem raised by the Liberian Government’s request for assistance, the American representative has the honor to state that his Government is heartily in accord.
- Neither printed.↩