882.01 Foreign Control/135: Telegram
The Minister in Switzerland (Wilson) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received August 17—8:25 a.m.]
106. Your 91, August 15, noon.50 It is definitely anticipated by League Secretariat that the report of the experts who meet today in Geneva cannot be transmitted to the two distant Governments interested, [Page 692] namely, the United States and Liberia, in time to permit the Committee to meet and submit recommendations to the forthcoming session of the Council. It is impossible now to give even an approximate date when the Committee might be convened but the Secretariat sees no probability of such a meeting before the close of the Assembly in September.
The report will be sent to all members of the Committee and Liberia. The United States and Liberia were mentioned specifically in my 105, August 14, midnight [noon],50a to emphasize the time element.
Such additional information as may be obtained during or directly following the experts’ session will be telegraphed.