882.01 Foreign Control/128: Telegram
The Minister in Liberia (Mitchell) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received July 25—6:24 a.m.]
59. The League Committee of Experts called at 10 a.m. on the Legation. Having completed their investigation, they are leaving on July 26 by the steamship Brazza.
The views of the Liberian Government and the experts do not seem to coincide. The Liberian Government gave no final answer to the program which the experts submitted and stated that their answer would go to the League.
Liberia’s financial conditions being in such a chaotic state, the experts did not discuss this subject with the Government.
The official recommendations of the experts will be presented to the Committee at Geneva when an American representative is present. The experts believe that Liberia’s rehabilitation is dependent upon the collaboration of both the United States and the Firestone Company, especially the latter. Money must be obtained on better terms, and if possible some easement must be offered in regard to the $2,500,000 due the Liberian Government in return for certain considerations [Page 690] impossible to be met. If the Finance Corporation can arrange this, it will prove of great aid at this time.
A momentous question concerns labor and how Firestone can expect to obtain extra labor needed to cultivate their vast areas in a few years.
The sanitary expert,49 while in accord with the program thus far carried out, is doubtful that it will be maintained without provision of the necessary funds. In order to give the natives of the interior a chance, the Commissioners report the necessity of drastic recommendations affecting the administration of the interior. The development of resources and opening up of main roads have been strenuously urged, and it is admitted that Liberia’s natural resources should be developed and valuable minerals do exist.
- Dr. M. D. Mackenzie, British.↩