882.01 Foreign Control/79: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Dawes)
53. For Reber: Your telegram No. 57, February 28, 1 p.m. This Government would be gratified to learn that the International Committee had arranged with Liberia for the prompt dispatch of a qualified public health officer from Sierra Leone. It believes that in view of the experiences of Dr. Smith, the essential elements of authority and finances should be settled by the Committee with the Liberian Government direct, through the Liberian representative on the Committee, and that the Liberian Government should itself arrange for the requisite funds.
[Paraphrase.] You are informed confidentially that the contents of your telegram and this reply in substance will be reported to the Finance Corporation so that, in the event the Liberian Government makes a request to the Fiscal Agents through the Financial Adviser, the Finance Corporation may consider whether it wishes to make any further advance. [End paraphrase.]