882.01 Foreign Control/76: Telegram

The Ambassador in Great Britain (Dawes) to the Secretary of State

56. From Reber: Embassy’s telegram 55, February 27, 5 p.m. The following is the substance of the draft resolution regarding nomination of experts as determined by informal discussions. It will be submitted to the committee for approval on Monday.

The committee is of the opinion that in order to prepare a concrete plan of assistance to Liberia it should have the advice of experts competent in general administration, finance and health matters and will designate experts in these fields.
These experts will study how the Liberian Government may be assisted to carry out its decision to effect the recommendations of [Page 677] the International Commission of Inquiry and among other matters examine the question of administrative assistance necessary, questions of public health, and financial provisions required to carry out reforms.
Experts will advise on general lines of reform and order in which they should be undertaken, examining possibility of proceeding by stages, first giving assistance most urgently needed and then extending assistance as resources permit.
Concerning the appointment of specialists, the experts in addition to the general question will consider powers which will be necessary as well as length of time specialist assistance needed.
Experts will make a survey of resources available to carry out proposals.
As soon as possible experts will proceed to Liberia to study the present situation and such measures as may be found necessary, making ad interim reports by telegram as and when necessary and a final report to the committee.
The Liberian Government will insure every facility and assistance to the experts and will supply all information they may require.

It is tentatively suggested that a Frenchman with wide colonial experience be appointed as the expert in general administration, a Dutchman as the expert in finance and a member of the League health organization as the expert in health matters. [Reber.]
