
The Secretary of State to Certain Firms Exporting Arms and Ammunition

Sir: As a firm occasionally engaged in the exportation of arms and ammunition to the Republic of Honduras you are hereby advised that it has become necessary for the Department of State, in the performance of the duties imposed upon it by the presidential proclamation of May 15, 1924, governing the exportation of such articles to that Republic, to undertake a more rigid supervision of this commerce.

In the future, therefore, upon the receipt of applications for license to export arms or munitions of war to the Republic of Honduras the Department of State will first communicate with its representatives in that Republic regarding the proposed shipment and will not grant the license until the information it requires has been received from those sources. If the applicant for license so requests these inquiries will be made by telegraph at its expense—otherwise they will be made in the usual manner by mail.

Very truly yours,

For the Secretary of State:
Francis White