815.00 Revolutions/121: Telegram

The Minister in Honduras (Lay) to the Secretary of State

107. Minister for Foreign Affairs has sent me copy of telegram dated yesterday from Honduran Consul in New Orleans that latter well informed that steamship Santa Marta left Belize for Honduras with munitions for rebels. Minister in confidential note to Legation under instructions from President requests if possible that one of our warships patrol the territorial waters of Honduras to prevent munitions for rebels reaching Honduran ports on Atlantic and keeping in communication with Honduran authorities with regard thereto. Have not given him any encouragement. It seems similar arrangement was considered to patrol Bay of Fonseca in 1927. I presume Marblehead or Richmond might use their planes to search for gun runners but have not mentioned this. Honduran Government undoubtedly realize if Ferrera secures munitions they have little hope of success. Could explain to President that Marblehead or Richmond not practicable for such purposes and that we have no suitable ship in nearby waters or that situation in 1927 was different. Prompt reply requested.
