814.002/118: Telegram
The Minister in Guatemala (Whitehouse) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10:05 p.m.]
3. Apparently Reina Andrade intends to retain the same Cabinet as General Orellana, with Reyes filling the vacancy at the War Ministry. I perceive no objection to this except in the cases of Giron y Giron, Minister of Education, who took a prominent part when Mc-Cafferty called on General Orellana at midnight, and Pivaral, Minister of Agriculture, who was one of the military junta that took power when General Orellana was successful. (See Legation’s telegram No. 110, December 17, 9 p.m.)3 Please instruct me at once whether you desire these two changed, which I believe can be effected fairly easily, especially if I can offer immediate recognition as a result. I favor this.
General Orellana will leave the country on January 4.