The Chargé in Greece (Fisher) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received September 12.]
Sir: Referring further to my despatch No. 1817, dated August 4, 1931, relative to Greek military service, I have the honor to report that Act No. 5237, published in the Official Gazette of August 14, 1931 (Vol. I, No. 279), contains a provision which affects Greeks residing abroad for at least ten years continuously. Such Greeks are liable [Page 391] to military service of four months upon return to Greece, which service, however, may be bought off for an amount of 3,000 drachmas or 5,000 drachmas, depending on the class to which they belong. For those who belong to classes already called to the colors, the ten-year period terminates with the date of publication of this Act; while for those who belong to classes which have not yet been called to the colors this period terminates with the date upon which they shall be called upon for enlistment.
This fee, the average of which is $52.00, is a considerable reduction of the amount formerly demanded and it is to be presumed that these terms will be availed of in an increasing ratio by Greeks returning from a residence of ten years or more in the United States.
Respectfully yours,