
The Chargé in Greece (Fisher) to the Secretary of State

No. 1525

Sir: I have the honor to refer to telegram No. 23 of October 30, 1930, relative to the extension for another year of the amnesty from military service for American citizens of Greek origin.

I today called on the Foreign Minister (it is the first time he has been available since his return from Ankara), and Mr. Michalakopoulos told me that he would do his best to have the Council of Ministers continue the present arrangement. He said that the Minister of War always objected, but that he (the Foreign Minister) felt he could force a decision for the continuation of the amnesty, as he had done before.

It was evident that Mr. Michalakopoulos was in favor of extending the present arrangement, so no persuasion on my part was necessary.

Respectfully yours,

Carl A. Fisher