462.11W892/1953: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Edge)
440. You will notify the French Government that the American Government does not agree to the French position in respect of payments on account of mixed claims. In order to find a solution to this troublesome problem and to permit the private claimants to receive the sums due them the Government of the United States now intends to adopt the following policy: The Treasury has decided that if the German Government gives notice of postponement of payment to this country in accordance with Article 5 of the Agreement between the American and German Governments of June 23, 1930, the requirement of 90 days’ advance notice will be waived. Germany would, under these circumstances, make no payment on September 30. But in virtue of the German notice of postponement, no default would arise. Therefore there would be no reason why payments could not be made in regular course to German claimants out of the Special Deposit Account.
This contemplated procedure you will please communicate to the French Government without, however, seeking to elicit comment from them.