The Salvadoran Second Secretary in Chargé of
Legation (Meléndez) to the Acting Secretary of State
Washington, July 15, 1931.
Mr. Secretary: I have the honor to transmit
herewith to Your Excellency a note sent to you by the Minister of
Foreign Affairs of El Salvador.
I reiterate [etc.]
The Salvadoran Minister for Foreign Affairs
to the Acting Secretary of
Salvador, July 7, 1931.
L. D./957
Your Excellency: It is a high honor to me
to refer to Your Excellency’s kind note under date of June 18
ultimo, in which you saw fit to answer that which this Ministry sent
to you on the 27th of last May in regard to the assault made upon
Dr. Carlos Leiva, Minister [Chargé] of El
I am sincerely pleased that Your Excellency’s Government should have
deigned to consider in their true light the points set forth by this
Ministry in the note to which I refer, and my Government takes
pleasure in noting that Your Excellency’s Government, while
deploring what occurred to Dr. Leiva, is interesting itself in the
prompt capture and punishment of the guilty parties and offers
adequate guarantees to the Salvadoran Legation to prevent assaults
of this kind. This is a measure which my Government appreciates at
its full value, in as much as it will make for the tranquillity of
our Legation at Washington with regard to the persons who compose it
and their property.
The good intentions so kindly shown by Your Excellency’s Government
in this matter are still further confirmed by its exquisite courtesy
in assuming the expenses occasioned by the assault upon Dr. Leiva,
which courtesy I am glad to state will further win the gratitude of
my Government.
Please accept [etc.]