
President Hoover to the President of the Dominican Republic (Trujillo)31

Great and Good Friend: I take great pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of Your Excellency’s important communication under date of August 25, 1931, outlining the efforts which the Dominican Government has successfully made to maintain its financial credit through the prompt payment of the service on its foreign debt, despite the burdens imposed upon it by the present world depression and by the disastrous hurricane which visited Santo Domingo in September of 1930.

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Your Excellency also set forth in that letter the impossibility of maintaining an adequate public administration in the Dominican Republic and at the same time of satisfying the amortization payments on its debt, and requested the cooperation of the Government of the United States in obtaining some solution for this financial problem.

The present financial problem confronting Your Excellency’s Government will have the sympathetic and prompt consideration of my Government.

Your good friend,

Herbert Hoover
  1. Transmitted to the American Chargé in the Dominican Republic in Department’s instruction No. 163 of the same date, with the request that he deliver the letter personally to President Trujillo.