The Minister in Portugal (South) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 5.]
Sir: I have the honor to report that, in pursuance of the Department’s telegraphic instruction No. 24 of October 16, 6 p.m., I obtained an interview with the Minister for Foreign Affairs this afternoon and delivered to him a note on the subject of flag discrimination in the sense of the Department’s instruction to which I have made reference. At the same time, I made the verbal representations authorized by the Department.
Captain Branco,8 prefacing his remarks with the statement that he was speaking quite unofficially and with the utmost frankness, assured me that the matter would receive the serious consideration of his Government, but added that Portugal was in a difficult position inasmuch as she felt obliged to find the ways and means of substituting other assistance for the aid in the form of tariff rebates now extended to her national merchant marine—that which was no easy matter [Page 972] at a time when the Country was beset by so many grave financial problems. He hoped that the United States and the other interested Powers would be forbearing in view of the present economic crisis.
Respectfully yours,
- Fernando Branco, Minister for Foreign Affairs.↩