823.001 Sanchez Cerro, Luis/29
The Ambassador in Peru (Dearing) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received July 8, 1931.]
Sir: I have the honor to attach hereto an official communiqué,26 with an office translation, permitting Colonel Sanchez Cerro to return to Peru for the purpose of taking chargé of his campaign for the presidency.
In accordance with this permission, Sanchez Cerro left Panama a few days ago on the Italian steamer Orazio, and is expected to arrive at Callao this afternoon.
Fearing that his arrival may result in a large demonstration by his adherents, the Ministry of Government issued a communiqué warning all political parties, societies, etc. against holding manifestations of [Page 922] any kind, since the City is still under Martial Law, and stating that violation of the warning will be severely dealt with. Nevertheless, there is every indication that several thousand people will be at the docks when Sanchez Cerro arrives this afternoon.
La Tribuna, the Apra daily newspaper, carries the notice today that Haya de la Torre27 arrived in New York on the Bremen; that he went to Washington and that he will sail for Peru on the steamship Santa Maria on Saturday, July 6th. His arrival here is looked forward to with mixed interest.
Respectfully yours,
Counselor of Embassy