724.3415/1250: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Bolivia (Trueblood)
28. Your 64, June 30, 10 p.m. The Department is taking the matter up with Paraguay as the Minister for Foreign Affairs suggested. As all the neutrals are not represented in La Paz and Asuncion it seems better that you and your neutral colleagues informally and without any definite instructions discuss the matter with the Bolivian Government, finding out the Bolivian Government’s position and reporting it here so that we will know better what action should be taken in Asuncion. The only thing that can be suggested now is that Paraguay accept in principle mediation by the neutrals but in order that that mediation be effective it is necessary to have some idea of the Bolivian Government’s views regarding a settlement. If you can discuss that quite fully with Minister for Foreign Affairs and cable his views up, Department will endeavor to find out from Asuncion what the views of the Paraguayan [Page 741] Government are so that the neutrals can then perhaps make some suggestion for a way out.