724.3415/1239: Telegram
The Chargé in Bolivia (Trueblood) to the Secretary of State
59. With reference to Department’s 24, June 24, 1 p.m., I have to report that I have just had an interview with the Foreign Minister, in which he said that he was drafting a reply to the Paraguayan note refusing satisfaction, and that the reply would probably be delivered tomorrow. I was unable to learn any details concerning the reply [Page 733] but was promised a copy later today, at which time I will send another telegram. The Minister read to me the Bolivian note which asked for a repudiation of Ynsfran’s remarks and stated that if the same were not forthcoming the Government of Bolivia could only believe that the Government of Paraguay approved them, and consequently would be obliged to suspend diplomatic relations. The Minister insisted that the note contained no threat but simply a warning, and that Bolivia did not have the slightest desire to break diplomatic relations but was compelled to protect its national honor.
[I?] then made a personal suggestion that with the renewal of the offer of the neutral nations the present difficulty perhaps could be settled through those channels. The Minister said that the Papal Nuncio had already tendered his good offices to that end and that it would be appropriate to consider the advisability of having recourse to the neutral nations only in case the impasse continued and his efforts failed.…
It is reported that there is a distinct cleavage in high Government circles, one group being aggressive and the Qther conciliatory, so, unless the aggressive group takes control of the situation, it is likely that the Bolivian reply, which is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow, may be of a nature to render it possible for Paraguay to give satisfaction for the Ynsfran statements. Public opinion is indifferent and there are no demonstrations. Except for La Nation and La Republica this morning’s press did not comment editorially. Yesterday El Diario criticized the Government’s policy. La Nation, which is close to the Foreign Office, stated that it [thought?] the Government of Bolivia had no other recourse but to withdraw its Minister from Paraguay. Should that be the case it is believed that a Chargé will be left so as to prevent a rupture of diplomatic relations.
- Telegram in three sections.↩