
The Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs (Arita) to the American Chargé in Japan (Dooman)

Go No. 13, Asia I

Sir: The operations begun on May 21 on the coast of Kwangtung Province, China, by the Imperial armed forces are purely military in character and are for the purpose of wiping out enemy forces belonging to the Chiang régime6b and dealing that régime a deathblow. While the Imperial armed forces will exert every effort to avoid damage to interests of third powers, it is hoped that your government as well as your authorities in China will cooperate fully in the efforts of the Imperial armed forces to eliminate or reduce to a minimum accidental damage to interests of your country and will take special measures to avoid the occurrence of unfortunate incidents. At the same time it is requested that every precaution be taken against stratagems of the Chiang Régime aimed to draw third powers into the conflict.

With respect to the Japanese government’s basic desire to prevent the occurrence of incidents special reference is made in addition to a note under date October 12, 1938, (Go-No. 37, Asia I, from the then Minister for Foreign Affairs, Prince Konoe.7

I avail myself [etc.]

Hachiro Arita
  1. Chinese Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, President of the Executive Yüan (premier), December 1935–January 1, 1938, and November 1939–.
  2. See telegram No. 664, October 13, 1938, 4 p.m., from the Ambassador in Japan, vol. i, p. 623.