740.0011 Pacific War/397
Memorandum, by the Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs (Hamilton)
Mr. Wakasugi, the Japanese Minister, called this afternoon at 3:15 at his request. He said that he had been instructed by the Ambassador to leave with me as an advance copy a statement which was [Page 320] to be released by the Japanese Government at 10 p.m., tonight, July 25, Washington time, in regard to the French Indochina situation. Mr. Wakasugi said that he had been instructed, in leaving this statement with me, to call special attention to two points: (1) that in what the Japanese Government was doing the Japanese Government would show respect for the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of French Indochina; and (2) that Japan did not intend to interfere with the internal affairs of French Indochina.
Mr. Wakasugi asked that I inform the Acting Secretary of the foregoing.
I replied that I would bring the matter to the attention of the Acting Secretary. I added that the attitude of this Government had of course, as Mr. Wakasugi was aware, been made known clearly by the President27a and by Mr. Welles.
Mr. Wakasugi asked that the attached statement of the Japanese Government28 be regarded as confidential until released by the Japanese Government.